Equal Pay

When we’re working for the Lord, does he sign our paychecks? If so, how much does he pay?
“Give to get” doesn’t always work.
Jesus gave us a Kingdom principle when he said, “Give and it will be given unto you” (Luke 6:38). Television evangelists sometimes interpret that to say I will gain much more in return if will just send $1,000 to their ministry. I have my doubts that it really works that way.
“Get to give” is a better opportunity.
The parable of three servants teaches the importance of using our gifts. If I hoard what I have, then I have nothing. I can work for myself and my riches die with me. But if I work for the Lord—using my time, energy, and money to fulfill his purpose for my life—I’m storing treasure in Heaven, an eternal reward.
How much does God pay?
In Matthew 3:1–16, Jesus describes a situation where a great harvest demanded many laborers. The owner hired people with the commitment that he would pay what was right. At the end of the day, he paid the same amount to the late arrivals as he paid those who had worked all day. By the world’s standards, that doesn’t seem right.
Does God pay everyone the same? Maybe so. He promises to give me all I need. Hmm . . . is that right? I’m trying to imagine why I would need more, and I’m not coming up with a good answer.
Greater giving brings greater rewards.
The most valuable thing I have to give is not my money. It’s myself. How much of myself am I willing to give? What if I choose to give up everything?
After giving up everything, Peter asked Jesus what he would get. The answer was, “A hundred times more, including eternal life” (Matthew 19:29). Peter didn’t get a hundred times more fishing businesses, houses, or money in the bank. He got a lot of persecution and hardship. I wonder, if I could ask Peter, just before he was crucified, how much he had been compensated for his sacrifice, what would he say?
I think he would say, “Jesus understated the truth. The value of walking with the Lord through the fire has been priceless. I’d do it all over again.”
Give and you will not have to worry about receiving. You will receive a full measure, packed down, shaken together, and spilling into your lap. The measure you give determines the measure you will receive.” — Luke 6:38, The Discussion Bible