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Stop and Go: Know When to Run and When to Wait. In The Great Commission, we were told to “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to everyone.” But do we understand Jesus’ most important words before he ascended into the clouds?

Highly Favored: Jesus said, “I came that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.” He also said the man born blind had suffered because of God’s plan, not sin. What does it mean to be part of God’s family, abundantly blessed? If we are so highly favored, with faith to move mountains, why do we suffer and not get what we are sure is best?

Made for the Moment: The beggar was born blind. The disciples asked Jesus why, and all their assumptions were wrong. Even today, we risk missing God’s plan by assuming that everything that goes wrong isn’t right.

Sixteen Reasons Why I Love God: “Sixteen Reasons Why I Love You” was a hit song in the 1960s, written by Bill and Doree Post in 1959. The song was made famous by Connie Stevens in 1960, her second top-forty hit after “Kookie, Kookie, Lend Me Your Comb.” If we can find sixteen reasons to love any person, shouldn’t we be able to give as many reasons to love God?

Heaven on Earth: In his model prayer, Jesus said we should pray for God’s will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. In this world, people are allowed to do whatever wickedness they want. With Jesus’ prayer for God’s will to be done, are we asking the impossible? Frank will show how God makes the impossible more than possible, more than probable, but guaranteed.

Satan’s Messengers: The fallen angel is only able to be in one place at a time. He isn’t omnipresent like God, but his messengers are. The enemies of God cannot be defeated until their identities and the deception of their messages are clearly identified.

The Missing Pieces: Some say life is like a picture puzzle. If Scripture gives us all the pieces, why do we only see parts of the picture? Frank will share his stories and biblical insights to find the right pieces, fit them into the right places, and gain confidence in God’s perfect plan for us.

Peace that Defies Understanding: In the midst of life’s storms, we have countless good reasons to be frantic, feeling like we’re about to die. Twelve disciples were amazed when Jesus calmed the wind and waves. Discover how we too can experience peace that ignores the wind.

When God Says No: What should we do when we pray for what we’re sure is right, yet God doesn’t give us what we ask? We might cast our net on the other side of the boat, or maybe we need to pray more fervently You’ll love hearing Frank Ball talk about his experiences and what the Bible says about God not giving us what we’re sure we need.

Never Walk Alone: Facebook friends are no substitute for someone we would like to call our “best” friend, someone who understands us completely and appreciates our value. When we’re feeling desperate and don’t know where to turn, what can we do? You’ll love the answer found in Frank’s stories.

Finding Love in All the Right Places: Our insatiable desire to be loved and appreciated can leave us dying of thirst in a desert of people who don’t really care. So how does God solve that problem? You might be amazed.

God’s Greatest Reward: What is it? Health and wealth, prestige and power, and possessions in abundance? Frank’s stories reveal something much more valuable.

Life’s Best Discussion Point: Scripture focuses on the truth. Commentaries explain. But what we most need from the Bible is discussion on what we believe and why, or we can’t let go of our prejudices and accept what God would like to say to our hearts.

Jesus’ Most Important Words: We do well to hear and heed the best advice we could ever follow. Everything Jesus said was important—meant to help us, yet his most crucial words are sometimes overlooked—like a diamond lost among a bucket of precious stones.

My Best Friend: Life is no fun when we feel alone. As I walk through the most trying times of my life, a dark valley of the shadow of death, I still don’t have to fear, because you’re at my side. Like a shepherd who protects his lambs, your rod and your staff keep me safe. — Psalm 23:4

Fanning the Flames: Make your message important to those who don’t know there’s a fire. Your story can be a life-changer for those who hear you speak, but it won’t help those who didn’t show up. Frank will show you effective ways to let people know they can’t afford to miss hearing you.

Pain Relievers: More money and effort goes toward the relief of pain than the pursuit of pleasure. Discover how to have the best of all worlds, doubling the pleasure while relieving the pain.

Do the Dream: How to Enjoy Satisfaction beyond Our Fondest Imaginations. Our desire to be loved and appreciated may feel like an empty bucket that nobody wants to fill. Learn how to keep it full and running over.

God’s Story Revealed in Us: How Our Tragic Tears are Used to Produce a Message of Boundless Joy. The promise of great glory doesn’t have to wait until we walk the halls of Heaven. We can experience the joy now. We just have to learn how.

Hope and Patience: Get to know your two best friends, Hope and Patience, and follow the three most important steps to see God’s promises fulfilled in your life.

God’s Story in You: If we’re reluctant to share Christ with people, we probably have a misconception about what God wants from us. Only a few are called to be “harvesters.” Most of the work is to prepare the soil, plant the seed, water the ground, or pull the weeds. No matter what our function in the field is, we need to remember what Christ has done for us and share our stories, which is how we give people the hope that the world doesn’t have.

Shoes that Fit: God has made each of us for a unique purpose. While we need to understand the thoughts and feelings of others, we’ll never fit in someone else’s shoes. God’s plan and purpose is unique for each individual, and he directs our paths, one step at a time.

Letters to God: Children write letters to Santa, believing he will give them what they want, wondering if they’ve been good enough. Later, we learn about God, how he will supply our needs, but what should we say and how do we know he will listen?

Practicing God’s Presence: Is it possible to find peace in the midst of the storm? Yes, but you shouldn’t leave Jesus sleeping in the back of the boat. Learn what you can do to strengthen your relationship with God, have total confidence in your salvation, and enjoy every moment of the day.

Start a Writing Ministry in Your Church: The Internet has brought endless opportunities for people who never knew they could write. Every church has its blogging, twittering, and e-mail junkies who could spread the good news. Learn how to give them the encouragement and support they need.

Transform Sermons into Publishable Articles and Books: The preparation that went into a wonderful weekend message can be used and re-used to produce a variety of articles and book chapters.

God’s Greatest Blessing: Jesus came that we might have life but said we wouldn’t find it in the abundance or our possessions. If satisfaction isn’t in wealth, where is it? Frank Ball brings both personal and biblical stories to reveal the right place to look for the boundless joy and peace that Jesus made available.

When Blood Boils and Faces Turn Red: Learn from biblical examples and Frank Ball’s personal experience, what anger is, why it doesn’t work, and how to change the world where we live.

A Father’s Best Advice: Using lessons from his farmer grandpa and pastor father, who lived what they preached, Frank Ball presents five life-changing truths that every son should know before his teenage years.

Smarter than We Think: Like Alice who was lost in Wonderland, we are born geniuses who have lost our way. Frank Ball shares experiences and insights that show why GPS is more important than IQ in choosing the right path and opening the right doors to fulfilling God’s purpose in our lives.

Wise Men Bring Gifts: Two thousand years ago, Gaspar lived in the far east. He was not a wise man—at least not of the majestic variety that many people imagine. He was merely a servant—a keeper of camels. Wearing his kingly robe, he tells a heart-warming story how he joined Melchoir and Balthasar in a long journey to take gifts to a newborn king.

The Nine Who Said No Thank You: Only one leper described in Luke chapter seventeen went to find Jesus after his healing. Contrary to what many people believe, the nine who said no thank you weren’t a bunch of jerks. Are you thinking people don’t see your sacrifices or recognize the value of your work? Frank Ball will present exciting insights into where our value is recognized. He will show what the nine men were doing and why our understanding of their actions is crucial in our own effort to be loved and appreciated.

Pigs, Pearls, and Plans: You plan your work and work your plan, but does that mean your plan is sure to work? Your dreams of success are never guaranteed. Or are they? Using personal experience and biblical examples, Frank Ball presents exciting insights to show how expectation, perspiration, and anticipation will either fulfill or destroy your dreams.

Why Bad Things Happen to Good People: When tragedy strikes, you ask, “Why?” You pray, but our kind and loving, all-powerful, all-knowing God fails to answer. Why? You’ll be amazed to hear how the commonly assumed answers are wrong and the real reason deserves you full commitment and greatest admiration of God’s plan.

What’s Love Got to Do with It?: More than anything, you want to be loved and appreciated. For some reason, your effort to satisfy that hunger isn’t working. You work hard and no one notices—until you make a mistake. When you reach out to people, they don’t want to be bothered. The answer can be found in the life of Christ, but it’s not where you think it is. If it were, you would have already found it.

Four Men – One Story: The Gospels present an amazing story, but is it true? Did four men of the first century write from eyewitness reports, or did other men write their own fantasies out of religious tradition, centuries later? If intelligent men and women left everything to walk with Jesus, they must have had a very good reason. After considering the evidence, you can know why their discovery was as valuable as life itself.

One Giant Step: When Samuel went to the house of Jesse to anoint the next king of Israel, David hadn’t even been invited to the dinner. From this familiar story, Frank Ball reveals some seldom-observed facts about the steps we must take to achieve the impossible dream.

A Grandmother’s Glory (MOPS): On a gravestone is written: “She valued her friends like family. Next to God, no one was more important than her kids… until she had grandchildren.” Frank Ball tells the story behind that epitaph and shows how God uses the older generation to bring children closer to him.

Gold Rush: Jesus and his disciples toured the land, teaching and preaching the Kingdom of God. Can the gospel message that made people want to give everything, even their own lives, be summarized into a single nugget of truth? In one six-word sentence, Frank Ball unearths the priceless ore that makes life abundantly satisfying.