Genius at Work

Einstein amazed intelligent people with his theories, especially when they found those theories to be fact. Since then, physicists have discovered much more, yet the more we learn, the more we’re aware of how much we don’t know.
When Jesus walked on Earth, he didn’t know everything. He’s the perfect example of who we can be as we walk with God. Like Jesus, we can know by the Spirit whatever we need to know to fulfill his purpose for our lives.
The Lord says, “I don’t think the way you think, and my methods are different from yours. As the stars are so distant from Earth, so are my thoughts and methods far above yours.” — Isaiah 55:8–9

Ten Thoughts to Ponder

  1. The attic of our brain is loaded with information and ideas we don’t need—until we need them.
  2. We are easily enslaved by what we are taught.
  3. Society will squelch non-compliant thinking.
  4. We answer the phone because we think we have to—until we decide we don’t want to.
  5. Clichés kill creative thinking.
  6. In a black-and-white world, color is unimaginable.
  7. Many students have full backpacks and empty minds.
  8. The question is more important than the answer, because it opens the mind to possibilities.
  9. I have nothing more important to do than listen to the Lord.
  10. If I really want to do something, I will pay little respect to the obstacles.

Questions for Further Thought

  • Suppose the Lord were to ask, “What did you learn yesterday?” Surely you learned something as you walked with him. How would you answer?
  • What can we do to see the invisible hand of God at work?


New Testament

Old Testament Volume 1

Old Testament Volume 2