Great BHAG

I’ve been told in seminars that my success depends on BHAG, that is, a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Then I must plan my work and work my plan. Dream big and never give up. When I consider the millions of businesses and individuals declaring bankruptcy each year, I’m thinking we might need a different BHAG.
Perhaps we should define our BHAG as Become Hungry After God so his plan becomes our plan. We don’t have to dream big, because God’s way is better than anything we can imagine. Then, our success strategy only requires following his guidance one step at a time.
As Isaiah wrote: Eye has not seen nor ear heard. No mind can even imagine the wonders that God has prepared for those who love him. — 1 Corinthians 2:9

Ten Thoughts to Ponder

  1. The size of the mountain depends on our perspective.
  2. How it can be used determines the difference between trash and treasure.
  3. Without a desire to know, ignorance is bliss.
  4. With God as my driving force, I still must drive.
  5. A good sense of direction can only come from the Director, who knows all things.
  6. When the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ connects me to I AM, I can know who I am.
  7. Where I’m going to be in five years is God’s plan, not mine to make.
  8. With God in control, listening and doing is more important than planning.
  9. Making a choice eliminates other options.
  10. The claim that there is nothing new under the sun limits the boundless creativity of God.

Questions for Further Thought

  • What distinguishes ordinary dreams from spiritual dreams?
  • How do God’s ways differ from what people typically do?


New Testament

Old Testament Volume 1

Old Testament Volume 2