
I don’t know what to do.

When I don’t know what to do, I pray a lot. Maybe that’s why the apostle Paul encouraged us to “pray without ceasing.” Even when I think I know what to do, I might be wrong.

In March of 2015, when I picked up my grandson from school, I asked him, “What did you do today?” You can guess the answer. Supposedly, he had learned nothing after having to sit in all his classes and listen to the teacher. He had textbooks, reading assignments, and homework. After all that, he had learned nothing? I wasn’t buying it, so I prodded him for answers. Soon, the moment he got into the car, he could tell me something he had learned.

Now I had a problem.

What if God were to ask me the same question, and I said, “Nothing”? He would say, “I was with you all day and took you through unusual situations. You saw and heard so much, and you didn’t learn even one thing? I’m not buying it.” I decided I had better pay attention and keep record of at least one thing I had learned each day. Eight years later, that list added up to almost 50,000 words. Evidently, God was right. I was learning something—a lot more than I thought.

Here’s where I’d really like your advice:

In October of 2022, I began a weekly collection of my thoughts as I’m trying to be accountable. If the Lord should ask what I’ve learned, I’d like evidence that he isn’t wasting his time with me. I gave a weekly list to friends, titled “Frank’s Random Thoughts for the Week.” They seemed thrilled, so I decided to post them on my Facebook and LinkedIn pages. I posted them to a couple of email writer’s groups. Evidently, some thoughts are “keepers,” because people file them for their own personal reference and say I should write a book.

What do you think?

So far, I’ve written about twenty pages under the title Ten Thoughts to Ponder. Should I keep going? Would you read such a book? The first page is titled: “Quest for Truth.” To see what that page looks like, CLICK HERE.

If you’ve taken time to read this blog and look at the sample page, I’m impressed.

Sometimes I wonder if anybody ever reads my stuff. I’d be even more impressed if you’d tell me what you think. Would you email your comments, suggestions, or ideas to me at Or just post a comment at the bottom of this page.

Where there is no guidance, people fall. But with the good advice of many counselors, there is safety. — Proverbs 11:14, The Discussion Bible

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