No Respect

Completing university courses will reward graduates with diplomas and earn letters after their names, but what do they get for all that time and money? No respect, perhaps, because value is in the eye of the beholder. After graduating from high school, Rodney Dangerfield delivered groceries and sold newspapers for a living. He earned respect as a comedian by saying he never got any respect. Go figure.
If Jesus, the greatest of all servants was disrespected, we should know we can’t please everyone. The good we choose to do may not be well-received. But we can be sure that our love for God and our love for others will earn respect where it counts most.
The one we must please is God.
Don’t forget to love others, helping those in need, for these are the sacrifices that please God. — Hebrews 13:16

Ten Thoughts to Ponder

  1. Prayer is birthed from our pain.
  2. Our humble feelings of worthlessness allow God to make us worth more than we can imagine.
  3. Watching the clock can be a waste of valuable time.
  4. I am the Lord’s when I have an insatiable appetite for what he wants.
  5. I experience freedom when I am the Lord’s prisoner.
  6. The last impression is the lasting impression.
  7. First impressions influence subsequent judgments.
  8. Unconditional surrender to the Lord is our greatest victory.
  9. God became like us in all ways except sin.
  10. Unlike ancient cultures, today’s readers don’t need much description, because they’ve already seen most of it on TV

Questions for Further Thought

  • What can we do to increase our worth in God’s eyes?
  • How concerned should we be about what others think of us?


New Testament

Old Testament Volume 1

Old Testament Volume 2