Quest for Truth

Quest for Truth

Confucius was a philosopher in ancient China, sometimes regarded as “lord” and “master” because of his wisdom. I think he was bothered that so many men of his time didn’t know who they were, where they were headed, or how they would get there.
Some people listened and were helped by his truth. Those who didn’t like what he said went their own way.


Pilate said, “Are you a king, then?”
Jesus said, “Yes, you could say that. For that reason, I was born. I came into this world to testify to the truth. Everyone who wants the truth hears my voice.”
“What is truth?” Pilate said.
— John 18:37–38


Ten Thoughts to Ponder

  1. What we value most is what we will focus our lives upon.
  2. Helping others is the greatest of all goals.
  3. Communication problems are resolved through entirely open and honest communication with the Lord.
  4. An itch can be captivating if not scratched.
  5. God speaks in a whisper so people don’t have to listen if they don’t want to.
  6. We might think having our own way is better, but having God’s way is always best.
  7. Without the Holy Spirit at work, social networks aren’t worth much.
  8. HOLY means Having Our Lord’s Yearning.
  9. Waiting upon the Lord means taking the next right step without knowing what future steps will be.
  10. To be energized by the Spirit, we must be plugged-in.

Questions for Further Thought

  • How much did Pilate know about Jesus?
  • What kind of evidence is needed to be sure our truth is really true?


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