Right Answers

In school, most kids didn’t raise their hand when the teacher asked a question. If I didn’t know the answer, I wanted to hide, because evidently I was supposed to know. If I knew, I said nothing, because my friends didn’t like a know-it-all. If I wasn’t sure, I feared the embarrassment of being wrong and wouldn’t volunteer.
People sometimes defend their faith by saying, “I just believe the Bible.” Actually, we mostly believe what we’ve been taught from our interpretation of Scripture. To know the right answer, we need the Holy Spirit to guide us.
When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own authority but will say only what he hears. He will reveal to you things to come.
— John 16:13

Ten Thoughts to Ponder

  1. Being dead right is not the best goal.
  2. With God, victory is achieved by total surrender to his will.
  3. I can do all things only if I have put God in command.
  4. I can look beyond the pain and suffering only when I’m certain it will work for good.
  5. To embrace a lie as the truth, I must see the truth as a lie.
  6. Burnout occurs, not from being overworked, but from losing focus on the value of the goal.
  7. The process matters because it’s the only means to reach the goal.
  8. Sleep is wonderful, but not while you drive.
  9. In asking God a question, I need to accept his response—or non-response.
  10. Asking God, “What should I do?” is better than asking, “Why don’t you?”

Questions for Further Thought

  • Why did Pharisees and teachers of the Law think they knew the truth and wouldn’t listen to Jesus, their greatest teacher?
  • How can you be sure that what you believe is really true?


New Testament

Old Testament Volume 1

Old Testament Volume 2