No Respect

Completing university courses will reward graduates with diplomas and earn letters after their names, but what do they get for all that time and money? No respect, perhaps, because value is in the eye of the beholder. After graduating from high school, Rodney Dangerfield delivered groceries and sold newspapers for a living. He earned respect […]

Wrong Way

I knew my first GPS wasn’t very smart when it wanted me to take a road that led through a gated community. It didn’t have the gate code, and neither did I. Now my GPS is much better, pointing a way that seems wrong but is actually right, because it sees the traffic problems ahead, […]

Going Up

My favorite tree in the back yard had a horizontal branch of just the right height for a teenage boy to leap, grab the branch like a chinning bar, and swing back and forth. I had done that so often, I could catch the branch with my eyes closed. One day, I ran around the […]


In slide-rule competition in 1960, I was ready to quit because my practice scores didn’t show much improvement. My teacher said, “Do you think you’re getting worse?” “Of course not.” I’d never heard a more ridiculous question. “Then stay at it,” he said, “because you have to be getting better.” With that advice, I learned […]

Right Answers

In school, most kids didn’t raise their hand when the teacher asked a question. If I didn’t know the answer, I wanted to hide, because evidently I was supposed to know. If I knew, I said nothing, because my friends didn’t like a know-it-all. If I wasn’t sure, I feared the embarrassment of being wrong […]

Great BHAG

I’ve been told in seminars that my success depends on BHAG, that is, a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Then I must plan my work and work my plan. Dream big and never give up. When I consider the millions of businesses and individuals declaring bankruptcy each year, I’m thinking we might need a different BHAG. […]

Genius at Work

Einstein amazed intelligent people with his theories, especially when they found those theories to be fact. Since then, physicists have discovered much more, yet the more we learn, the more we’re aware of how much we don’t know. When Jesus walked on Earth, he didn’t know everything. He’s the perfect example of who we can […]

Quest for Truth

Quest for Truth Confucius was a philosopher in ancient China, sometimes regarded as “lord” and “master” because of his wisdom. I think he was bothered that so many men of his time didn’t know who they were, where they were headed, or how they would get there.Some people listened and were helped by his truth. […]

The Problem with Faith

I’m told that I can move mountains if I have enough faith. But if my mountain doesn’t move, what’s the problem with my faith? Faith and believing are often used interchangeably, as if they mean the same thing. For sake of our discussion, we need to see faith as something much different, a matter of […]


I don’t know what to do. When I don’t know what to do, I pray a lot. Maybe that’s why the apostle Paul encouraged us to “pray without ceasing.” Even when I think I know what to do, I might be wrong. In March of 2015, when I picked up my grandson from school, I […]

Prayer Changes Things

The plaque on the wall said, Prayer Changes Things. Exactly what things does prayer change? Will God change the thing I want him to change? Is there any thing he won’t change? Why would he say no? Nothing is impossible with God. Jesus caused deaf ears to hear. Blind eyes could see. The dead were […]

The Inquisitive Mind

What nature was Jesus talking about when he said we must be like children or we can’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven? A teachable spirit, perhaps. What do you think? After asking his father a half-dozen questions and each time hearing, “I don’t know,” the youngster said, “Are you bothered by my asking so many […]

Boiling Point

Everybody gets angry, right? How can that explosive moment be avoided? Is such a transformation even possible? On a straight country road, my speed wouldn’t have mattered. I was upset. I don’t remember why I was upset, but that’s the way anger works. It’s a kind of temporary insanity. The slightest dissatisfaction could light my […]

Blind but Seeing

What might the man born blind have seen before Jesus touched his eyes and told him to wash at the Siloam pool? To discover the answer, I would have to write the story. Years ago, I got to present awards to the contest winners at a North Texas Christian Writers conference. From the registrations, I […]

The Problem with Love

We can sarcastically say “I love you” and mean something else. We might say “I love you” out of social courtesy, because the words are expected. We have a God-given appetite for love and appreciation, which isn’t easily satisfied. If it were, so many marriages wouldn’t end in divorce. Loving is often for getting, not […]

The Discussion Bible

The Discussion Bible offers tens of thousands of questions you never thought to ask but are essential to encourage personal insight and group discussion. There is no “answer book,” because most of the questions have no right-or-wrong answer. When students think there’s one right answer, they’re reluctant to say anything. These questions are open for […]


We will jump the fence whenever we see the grass as greener on the other side. Some Christians believe they are under the constant attack of the devil. I doubt that. I think their own desires are the enemy. By saying it’s the devil, it’s not our fault, and we have no responsibility to change […]

Eyes on the Road

I’ve learned that I can be so focused on the road that I don’t see the traffic. Slow down at the intersection and look both ways. The life you save may be your own. No matter how careful I am, I could miss seeing the danger and be t-boned. I need the Lord’s guidance. Caution […]


Some surprises are happy ones. Others are tragic. Many are unexpected. Some are scheduled, like Christmas and birthdays. No matter what the situation, we take what we have and move on. I was left with nothing. Several months ago, I received an email message saying my Facebook account “didn’t meet community standards.” Really? I knew […]

Comic Book Dreams

Will tying a towel around my neck like Superman give me power to leap tall buildings? If only I could find a vitamin that would give me super strength. During my childhood, I knew a little guy who feverishly fought on the school playground. Without a doubt, he was strong in spirit, but that was […]

Good or Bad?

If the devil uses good things for evil, do you think God can use evil things for good? Religious prejudice has labeled many things as evil: dancing, playing cards, the game of pool, theaters, bowling alleys, jewelry, sweets, and even money. Books like The Da Vinci Code, Harry Potter, and The Chronicles of Narnia have […]

Sixteen Reasons Why I Love God

“Sixteen Reasons Why I Love You” was a hit song in the 1960s, written by Bill and Doree Post in 1959. The song was made famous by Connie Stevens in 1960, her second top-forty hit after “Kookie, Kookie, Lend Me Your Comb.” If we can find sixteen reasons to love any person, shouldn’t we be […]

Success Formula

I’d like to have a one-size-fits-all, quick and easy path to success. In Googling “success formula,” I got 1.6 million results, and not one was what I was searching for. I’ve read many Books for Dummies. I’ve watched how-to podcasts and paid for seminars that said, “I did it, so you can too.” Why haven’t […]

Playing with Fire

With the light from a candle, you can walk in the dark, but let that tiny flicker touch your curtains, and your house could be up in flames before the firetruck arrives. Grownups tell kids not to play with matches, because they know the danger, so I wonder why people sometimes play with something that’s […]


Why do people love episodes about Superman, the Hulk, Hercules, and other superheroes? I can’t speak for others, but as for me, I get to experience the thrill of victory in face of terrible odds against the worst of enemies, who have equal, if not greater, power. When the story is over, I must come […]

Born Blind

Born Blind: Voice of a Visionary Captivating novel episodes about a blind man who was healed. Available only online with Amazon Kindle Vella From Scripture, we know the blind man had a mind sharp enough to embarrass the council, but no one in his day would consider teaching a blind child. Where did he get […]

Heavy Burdens

Why are my burdens too heavy to bear? Maybe you’ve heard the common saying in church: “God won’t put more on you than you are able to bear.” If that’s true, then why am I struggling? I wonder if I’m the only one who hears preaching that sounds so good but isn’t working out for […]

Say Please

When I was growing up, I learned the importance of saying please and thank you. In recent years, why don’t I hear those words as frequently? As naturally as a baby who cries when its needs aren’t met, I asked for what I wanted. “Can I go play with Johnny next door? Can I have […]


Solomon is known for saying there is nothing new under the sun. Does that say that everything happening today is like it has always been? I remember the 1940s and 1950s well enough to know that life is nothing like it was back then, when we didn’t have to worry about locking anything. Now, thefts […]

Shoes that Fit

Should we ignore what God says to the churches? If the shoes don’t fit, we don’t have to wear them. But what if they do fit? With the pandemic, I wonder if many people who call themselves Christian have embarrassed themselves because their faith has been tested and found to be false. Of course, there […]

Glorious Day

Because of the Internet, both sin and righteousness have never been more accessible. Which do you think is being enjoyed more than ever before? Human nature hasn’t changed. Before the Great Flood, only Noah was found righteous. When Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, only Lot and his two daughters were saved. Are we moving in […]

Light of the World

Jesus said we’re the light of the world, and we shouldn’t allow our light to be hidden. Why would anyone be reluctant to let their light shine? I remember when I was a kid, pastors would put people on a guilt trip for not witnessing and not inviting friends and strangers to church. As best […]

Stay Safe

Popular sayings come and go, but “have a great day,” or a close variant, has been a parting blessing among people for over fifty years. Why don’t we hear much of that anymore? People anticipate danger ahead. Encouragement has no value when we live in fear and can’t see a way out. We can’t think […]

Slap in the Face

Jesus tells us to “turn the other cheek,” as if sustaining one slap isn’t enough. Why would Jesus say that? Restraint shows true strength. Retaliation is a thoughtless natural reaction. Forgiving one offense is difficult enough, but willingness to accept another one is remarkable, since most people lack that kind of self-control. Scripture says controlling […]

Candy Canes and Lollipops

People want the sweets, not the sweat of answering God’s call. Should we blame church leadership for membership crying out for candy and choosing to go elsewhere when they don’t get it? Church must be sweet. That’s the nature of organized Christianity today. Pastors must please the people, or they are out of a job. […]

Explosive Moment

Is the power of a story found in its explosive moment, or might it be somewhere else? Fireworks are fun. Back when I was nine, fireworks were legal in town. I separated two dozen firecrackers with their short fuses and filled my cup, ready to light one at a time and throw them into the […]

The Most Beautiful Colors

Black Lives Matter is a huge topic these days. Is one color supposed to be better than another? God made all the colors. I grew up with no racial prejudice, not because of my white culture but because of a song I learned as a toddler, which described God’s gift of color. Red, yellow, black, […]

Final Choice

Some people say a loving God would never allow evil in the world. Others say it’s the devil’s fault. Or it must be our fault. Who is right? God said, “Don’t do it.” Adam was told not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve was told she would die if […]

Final Choice new

Some people say a loving God would never allow evil in the world. Others say it’s the devil’s fault. Or it must be our fault. Who is right? God said, “Don’t do it.” Adam was told not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve was told she would die if […]

Sin City

Mentioning Sin City brings the city of Las Vegas to mind, as if that’s the ideal place to go if you want to enjoy the pleasures of sin. But do you really have to travel that far? Save your money. Sin is available everywhere—in your city, on the Internet, even at church. You can find […]

Qualified Counselors

Studies have shown that Christian counselors are no more effective than non-Christian counselors. Why? Perhaps it’s because they use the same counseling methods. There is a better way. The interesting thing about that study is the discovery of what really does work. It works better than professional counseling. What is that? Having Christian friends who […]

The Sovereignty of God

If the creator of our world has the knowledge and power to eliminate suffering, evil, and death, why doesn’t he do it? We are told to trust him—that we can walk through the valley of the shadow of death without fear. How is that working out for you? By allowing evil, God appears to be […]


The common definition of integrity is doing what is right when nobody is looking. Why does it matter if someone is looking? People will steal if they think they can get away with it. Surveys say that’s true, and I agree. A good alarm system is no deterrent for thieves who believe they can get […]

Timmy’s Time Out

Stories excite people because of what went wrong, not what went right. If we’re willing to expose our faults and failures, our experiences will draw interest and help others avoid the same plight. Timmy slipped out of the house through his bedroom window. He said to his dog, Shep, tagging along, “Mom said I have […]

Follow the Leader

Even a GPS can lead us the wrong way. What we see on the news and read on the Internet isn’t always true. When we need direction, whom can we trust? Learn from the leader’s mistakes. Jesus said, “When the blind lead the blind, they both fall into the ditch.” Can the leader be blind? […]

God Is Love

“God is love” is a common saying, but do we really know what it means? Everybody hungers for love. Before I knew God, I couldn’t imagine what his love was like. As each year passed and I got to know him better, my understanding of the glory and power of his love improved, making me […]

Carefully Crafted

Create the perfect pattern, and then make everything like it. With dies and molds, we shape the parts that make our cars. By what pattern are the best people made? Beauty isn’t a photoshopped image. Cosmetics is fast becoming a trillion-dollar industry as we try to meet beauty standards. Advertisers select an image to strive […]

The Happiness Process

If our pain and suffering were not important, wouldn’t God just take us to where we will spend all of eternity? He could do that if he wanted to. Could the earthly process be as important as the heavenly prize? Happiness can be elusive. To be happy, all I have to do is be content […]

Danger: Stress Ahead

How long should I allow stress to keep me from enjoying life? Can I do something before it ruins my health as well? Either kill the stress or be killed by it. People work under stress all day, leave for home to face a different kind of stress, then go on a dream vacation to […]

Equal Pay

When we’re working for the Lord, does he sign our paychecks? If so, how much does he pay? “Give to get” doesn’t always work. Jesus gave us a Kingdom principle when he said, “Give and it will be given unto you” (Luke 6:38). Television evangelists sometimes interpret that to say I will gain much more […]